About GINERON Wellness Solutions
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ginger Edgecombe Dorsey, Ph.D. and I am the individual behind GINERON Wellness Solutions, LLC. I possess great passion and joy around helping people generate well-being daily. For 25+ years, I have been working in the realms of workplace behaviors, wellness, fitness, and health ministries. GINERON Wellness Solutions was born out of my desire to serve individuals in a manner that enables them to live life holistically.
I have a Ph.D. in Public Health and have enjoyed a rewarding career in workplace safety and health, work/life, and wellness. I have delivered such services within the federal and private sectors, and religious environments for individuals with various and unique needs.
Ergonomics Background
I am a Certified Industrial Ergonomist with experience in office, laboratory, vehicle, and field environments. I take a participatory approach to help clients understand the benefits (work without pain and discomfort, decreased stresses to the body, and improved comfort and productivity) of integrating ergonomics principles into their work and personal lives.
Work/Life Coaching Background
As an ICF credentialed coach with certification and additional training via New Ventures West and the Professional Christian Coaching Institute, respectively, I am committed to walking alongside of you and maintaining for you a flexible and practical outlook that promotes healthy work/life rhythms to bring you lasting and rewarding growth. Our walk may also include positive intelligence coaching techniques, which embrace the strength of one’s mental fitness.
Health & Fitness Background
Health and fitness have been instrumental in my life from childhood into adulthood. From basketball and volleyball to roller-skating and hiking, living a healthy and active lifestyle continues to be part of my life. As a Certified Health Education Specialist, I provide health education for corporate, community, and religious environments. With additional certifications in the fitness arena, I also deliver aerobics, personal training and private swim sessions. Furthermore, I am a Certified First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor and provide instruction to individuals needing this type of education and training.
Overall, I am known for my sensible, easy-going, and holistic approach to building rapport, trust, and compassion with my clients. I collaborate with clients to create wellness in all areas of their lives. I possess a remarkable willingness to serve clients in a capacity that allows me to develop and empower them to become their best selves.
Why not set up a time for us to chat for 30 minutes? Let’s find out how together we can help you generate well-being daily with GINERON Wellness Solutions.